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An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards....

Do you ever feel defeated? Do you ever feel like life or your circumstances are pulling you in reverse?

I think we all have experienced that at different times, life can be very challenging. The responsibility of just getting through each day can be a mountain we often feel we don’t even know where to begin the climb. A recent quote I read that inspired me to write this today is by Paulo Coelho and it says,

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that its going to launch you into something great!”

That thought it so powerful and something we see folks struggle with on a daily basis on their journey to better health. The old saying, if it was easy everyone would do it rings so true in my day to day life caring for people. Health is a marathon not a sprint and we need to give ourselves some grace sometimes. We often see people feel worse before they feel better and while we don’t like that happening we are respectful to the process of healing the body takes. Its one of the many reasons we encourage people to get their body right with us and then maintain that going forward. A well functioning nervous system serves not just our body but our mind as well.

So I encourage you today to be positive in all circumstances, find the good in everything and launch yourself into something great today!

Dr. John