Should I consider chiropractic care for my baby

A lot of parents come to our clinic because they're interested in getting care for themselves, but often they are surprised to see that we also treat children, toddlers, and newborns. When they hear and see us caring for babies and newborns, and the most common question we hear is 'Why do babies need to get adjusted?'. Today, we decided to address this question as well as the other common questions that we get regarding pediatric chiropractic!

Why should I take my baby to a chiropractor?

The first year of life is one where there's a huge amount of brain development happening. As babies see, touch, taste, hear, and smell the world around them, they start forming connections in their brain and progressively laying down the foundation for future knowledge and skills. In order for this to happen optimally, their nervous system needs to be receptive, responsive and adaptive to the new internal and external environment.

Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine whose aim is to support your child's development by aiding the functioning of their nervous system through gentle and precise chiropractic treatment. Our conviction is that healthy kids become healthy adults and that through early chiropractic care we are able to help set them up for success down the road.

What are some signs or symptoms that suggest that my baby could benefit from chiropractic care?

Some signs to keep an eye out for that could suggest that your baby could benefit from chiropractic adjustments include:

  • Difficulty with breastfeeding on one side

  • Head is often rotated or leaning to the same side

  • Excessive fussiness or irritability

  • Constant arching of the back and head

  • Sleep issues

  • Difficulty with bowel movements

While we don't claim to treat specific conditions, by supporting a baby's nervous system functioning we've had parents report improvement in symptoms such as:

  • Constipation

  • Colic/reflux

  • Spit up

  • Fussiness

  • Chronic illness/immune system

  • Ear infections

  • Meeting milestones

Because the nervous system directly innervates all the tissues, organs and systems in your body, when your baby's nervous system is able to function properly (without one hand tied behind its back), it's no wonder we see struggling babies thrive. Even babies who are perfectly healthy or don't have a lot of issues going on benefit from chiropractic care because we're able to support their nervous system through their development and help set them up for success in the future.

Can I take my baby to any chiropractor?

Education in the chiropractic profession requires that all chiropractic students go through set hours of education in treating the pediatric population. Nonetheless, you really want to make sure that the chiropractic office that you're considering treats a lot of babies and kids and that they have additional training in pediatric chiropractic care. Your baby will receive the best care possible and chances are that the clinic itself will have special accommodations geared towards you and your baby (for example changing tables, a nursing room, diapers, toys, pediatric pillows, and staff that is friendly and can assist in keeping an eye on older siblings while you focus on your baby's visit).

In order to find a pediatric clinic, you can research different websites or social media before hand. You can also call the office directly and ask if they specialize in pediatrics or if they've had training with pediatric associations, such as the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). If not, ask them if they know of any pediatric chiropractors in the area. Similarly, you can reach out to your pediatrician or other medical professional/health care professionals to see if they know of any pediatric chiropractors in your area.

What does a chiropractic adjustment on a baby look like?

There's a couple of different techniques or ways to adjusting babies and young kids, but the main thing to understand is that babies are not tiny adults. This means that their adjustments are not a gentler copy of adult spinal manipulation, in fact in our office it looks nothing like the way we adjust adults -or even young children for that matter. A baby's body and the way that their neurology responds to an adjustment is different, and so it requires a different approach.

In our office, adjustments on babies are always gentle and specific. We use very light pressure, about the same that you use to check a tomato for ripeness, in order to correct spinal misalignments. We rely on observing baby's positional preference, muscle tone, palpation, and other methods to assess baby's spine. We also make sure that baby's parents are close so that both parties feel comfortable and parents feel included in the process.

How many adjustments does my baby need?

Fortunately, babies don't have years of degeneration or a history of significant injuries like big falls or motor vehicle accidents. This means that their nervous system tends to respond quicker to the correction of misalignments, and parents often report an improvement in mood, sleep, digestion and others quicker compared to teenagers or other adults.

That being said, our goal is not only to correct interruption in their nervous system communication, but to maintain optimal communication between their brain and the rest of their body. Because of this we recommend maintenance care, where they periodically get checked for misalignments and correct shifts as they occur. This is especially important as they start learning how to crawl and walk because at that point they will be falling and getting bumps numerous times per day. Regular check ups allow us to catch these small and gradual shifts in their bones as they occur. Our goal is to prevent them from becoming teenagers or young adults with neck pain, headaches, back pain, or other significant issues.

Have any other questions regarding chiropractic care for your little one? Feel free to reach out to us or your local pediatric chiropractor!

Posture Matters: Why Having Good Posture is Important and How Chiropractic Can Help

The world and society we live in has become overwhelmingly sedentary. We sit for our jobs. We sit while we drive and travel. When we constantly sit, we frequently enter poor habits of poor posture and body positioning. This poor posture weighs on the body and can interfere with good body mechanics resulting in pain and reduced range of motion. This has a daily effect on our lives, but we don't often pay attention to it. So what is posture, why does it matter, and what can you do to better your health?

What is Posture and Alignment, and Why is it Important?

Posture is defined simply as the position in which one holds their body while sitting or standing. People can form habits with their body, leaning into the natural positions of the body or forming alternate habits, these positions can be good or bad for the body. Having good posture can reduce muscle tension, help with increased energy, and even help boost confidence. Good posture will allow the functions of the body to engage and act without external stress. Having bad posture can wear on the body and contribute to pain.

So what do we mean by good posture? We are referring to the positioning of the musculoskeletal system. Good posture will be a posture that aligns with the natural position of the body and the biomechanics of the skeleton. The spine has four main curves in it: the neck and low back, the cervical and lumbar areas of the spine, have natural curves forward, the mid-back and pelvis, the thoracic and sacral curves of the spine, have natural curves backward. Good posture will maintain these natural curves of the body in what we consider a neutral spine. Good posture will also keep the head upright, the chest straight, the shoulders and hips even, and the body in an overall rested and upright position.

This good posture keeps the ribcage open and even, thus reducing stress on the spine providing the structure for the ribcage. An open and neutral ribcage will reduce stress on the heart, lungs, digestive organs, and other internal systems within.

Good posture will also help keep muscle imbalances low, as the muscles will not be over-strained or over-tightened, but will be able to be in a neutral resting position.

Overall Health Benefits

The health benefits of keeping a good posture are numerous. Good posture has been shown to help with pain relief for neck and lower back pain, as maintaining proper posture keeps the body in a healthy position, reducing strain on the muscles and bones of the spine, which can relieve and prevent issues of joint pain, prevent muscle strain, and reduce stress on the nervous system which is housed in the spine.

Better posture has also been associated with reducing headaches, particularly cervicogenic headaches, by reducing stress and tension in the muscles of the neck, relieving neck pain, and stopping these types of headaches at their root cause.

The healthy alignment of the posture of the thoracic spine and rib cage can also result in higher lung capacity because the lungs are able to work and expand and contract to their full ability. If you've ever noticed that you can take a deeper breath when you stand straight, it is because standing upright allows the ribcage to be as wide as possible.

Good posture can also help with increasing energy levels, better form while exercising (thus reducing the possibility of injury), and increased confidence.

The Consequences of Poor Posture

So what does poor posture look like and how can it affect the body? Poor posture is that which runs contrary to the natural alignment of the musculoskeletal system. A forward head posture, also known as excessive curvature of the cervical spine, can place excessive strain on the back muscles and neck muscles providing support, which can lead to pain and joint restrictions in the neck and shoulders.

Often when we sit we end up looking down at phones or computers, hunching our shoulders forward and increasing the curve of our mid-back. This posture imbalance reduces the capacity of the ribcage and alters the physical appearance of the body by causing a "hunchback" look. This position can over time cause shoulder pain, mid-back pain, and stiffness.

All of this poor posture also places great strain on the spinal cord housed within the spine, which places stress and pressure on the nervous system, which can prevent it from functioning at it's optimal level.

The Importance of Posture and Alignment: How Chiropractic Care Can Help

So now that we know the importance of good posture, how can we improve posture and keep proper alignment of the spine? The first step is to acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with. Notice how you hold your body when you sit on the couch, drive your car, sit at your desk, walk, etc. Notice how you are holding your body. Are you pushing your head forward? Are you sitting cross-legged? Are you holding one arm or one hip higher than the other? Are you curving your body forward and looking down?

Once you understand what your body's current habit is, it becomes easier to work to understand and maintain good posture. Try rearranging your desk to have better ergonomics, helping keep your neck upright, and raising your computer screen so you are looking straight ahead instead of down. Keep your feet flat on the floor, and keep your forearms parallel to the floor.

Often when we have been living in bad posture for so long, we need help correcting the structure first. This is where chiropractic adjustments are invaluable. Spinal adjustments by a licensed chiropractor will find areas where proper spinal alignment has been strained by bad habits and will work to correct the structural imbalances in the range of motion of the joints of the body. Chiropractic care focuses on helping correct the alignment of the spinal bones. This good alignment will also help reduce stress on the nervous system by relieving pressure on the spinal nerves themselves. This improved alignment helps restore good communication throughout the nervous system which can also not just help reduce pain but can reduce stress and help your body be better able to relax, rest, and grow.

Chiropractic adjustment combined with posture alterations in your day-to-day life can greatly help not just improve your posture but help improve the overall health and well-being of your whole body. See if chiropractic care can help you and your posture and schedule an appointment today.

The Importance of Rest

The world that we live in in so fast-paced, people run themselves ragged trying to finish all the tasks they need to do. People have a hundred things on their plates and only 24 hours in the day to accomplish them. Hustle culture glamorizes pushing hard, not sleeping, and prioritizing accomplishment, and sacrificing anything to reach your goals. Too often sleep and rest are the things that are sacrificed. We often treat sleep like a commodity that we can exchange for working to get a project done and get ahead. But the importance of rest cannot be understated. No matter how much we need to do, we cannot do them well if we do not allow our bodies heal and rest. Our bodies are wonderfully complex machines that do not work the way they are supposed to if they do not get the time to rest and recharge.

Why is Rest Important?

Often when we say the word "rest" people think of sleep. Sleep is a very important aspect of health. Everyone can attest to how good it feels to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep helps restore your body's energy, repair damaged tissues and muscles, and triggers the release of hormones that help with growth and appetite. But the quality of sleep matters. Higher sleep quality is associated with the amount of time that one spends in REM sleep, or rapid eye movement sleep. That phase of the sleep cycle is the most restorative. Getting at least 2 hours of REM sleep is associated with feeling refreshed, reduced stress, and helps improve mood, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, increase sexual desire, and other health benefits. However, poor sleep, or sleep deprivation can contribute to a host of health problems including increased risk of heart disease, grogginess, digestive issues, and a chronic lack of energy. The brain is unable to focus as well as it should, and the body cannot recover strength as well as it should. The benefits of good quality sleep cannot be understated.

Basic rest, even periods of quiet wakefulness which are the times when you are having restful activity or lying with your eyes closed for a few minutes, can improve mental abilities. Insufficient sleep is never good, so ensuring that you get enough quality sleep is vital. But that timing is different depending on what phase of life. The National heart, Lug, and Blood Institute recommend that preschool aged children tend to need between 11-12 hours, school aged children are recommended 10 hours, 9-10 hours for teens and 7-8 hours are recommended for adults to ensure enough sleep and adequate rest.

Sleep and Functioning

There are several ways we know that sleep specifically is important for the body to function properly. Driving tired is considered equally dangerous to driving drunk. Multiple studies have shown that sleep deprived drivers have less reaction time, are less vigilant, and have reduced hand eye coordination and ability to multitask. One study conducted by the AAA foundation for Traffic Safety found that sleeping less than 6-7 hours a knight doubled a person's risk of being involved in a crash, while sleeping less than 5 hours doubled that risk again. Most researchers agree that after 20 straight hours of being awake, the impairment of sleep deprivation becomes equal to the legal limit of drinking and driving.

Another study shows that even a little bit of rest can make a difference. A study conducted on people who work long hours found that working a 30-hour shift with 20-minute naps every six hours doubled the performance of those rested workers compared to those who did not get any sleep. Even if those people couldn't truly fall asleep in that 20 minute nap, even the act of closing their eyes and resting improved their work performance.

What do we mean by rest?

When we say rest, however, we don't just mean sleep. Yes, getting quality sleep is very important to keeping your body happy and healthy. However, when we say rest, we mean rest of both the mind and body. Rest and relaxation go hand in hand. Research has shown that having time to relax helps benefit mental and physical health. And relaxation can show up in many ways. Research has shown that enjoyable leisure activities be they creative activities such as hobbies, sports, socializing, or spending time in nature have all been shown to increase measures of health and well being.

Recreation time outside has been specifically seen to be beneficial. Studies have shown that as little as 10 min of sitting or walking in nature significantly and positively impacted defined psychological and physiological markers of mental well-being for college-aged individuals.

Rest reduces stress. So all rest, including sleep, is very important to your body.

How can Chiropractic help with Rest?

Chiropractic care of the body and nervous system helps the whole body function better. Adjustments help activate the parasympathetic side of the nervous system, the part of the nervous system that regulates rest and digestion. Studies have shown that higher parasympathetic nervous system activity is associated with higher levels of immune system and antiviral activity, which helps the body fight disease and illness better.

Chiropractic care can also help with mental health issues by addressing the physical aspects of disorders such as anxiety and depression. Spikes of high blood pressure are associated with anxiety, but studies have shown that Chiropractic care betters to the nervous system's ability to regulate and lower blood pressure. When the blood pressure is better regulated this contributes to better rest which in turn improves the functioning of the immune system, reduces the risk of heart disease, and overall helps daily life be healthier and happier.

Chiropractic care is known to help with regular aches and pains like back pain and neck pain. When the body is not in pain and it has gotten enough rest, mental health improves too. Chiropractic care helps the body function better, and can help relieve issues like chronic pain and fatigue. When the body is not in pain, sleep quality improves, and when the nervous system is functioning without interference and the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it boosts the body's ability to regulate its sleep schedule and improve sleep quality, thus increasing the body's rest. Chiropractic care over the long term also helps reduce symptoms of long term stress, and help with overall health and wellness.

Contact us today to see if Chiropractic care can help you rest easy.

Can Chiropractic help with Sinus Problems?

Cold and flu season, pollen blooming, rapidly changing temperatures, all of these can drive our sinuses haywire. These clogged nasal passages can lead to sinus pressure, sinus pain, sinus headaches, and even if it goes too far, sinus infections. Sometimes it feels like there is no solution but to wait it out or take decongestants. People can even have chronic sinus issues that do not ever clear up.

What is happening in our Sinuses?

Sinuses are the hollow spaces inside of your skull that help balance pressure and drain mucus from your nose. There are multiple sinuses, but the ones we think about when we talk about sinus pressure are the one behind your forehead called the frontal sinus, and the ones behind your cheekbones called the maxillary sinuses. These sinuses make a thin mucus through our mucus membranes that drains out of the channels at the back of the nose to help keep the nose free and clean of bacteria. They also serve to warm and humidify the air you breathe to keep your lungs healthy.

When fighting off a cold, allergies, or other causes of sinus pressure such as exposure to cigarette smoke, the tissue lining of the sinus cavities become inflamed and block the normal drainage of the mucus, increasing the pressure, clogging the passage, and sometimes even causing swelling in the face. This inflammation and build up is what contributes to chronic sinus problems. When this inflammation does not reduce over time but is constantly present, this can become chronic sinusitis. The immune system will attempt to help fight off a sinus infection, but the thick mucus will impede sinus drainage and continue to build up increased pressure and can even contribute to other side effects like a sore throat or a cough.

How do we treat sinus issues?

While many people will turn to nasal sprays, allergy medication, or common cold medicine, these interventions usually only address the mucus level itself, instead of dealing with the root cause of the inflammation.

Can Chiropractic Care help?

Yes it can! Chiropractic care helps work on relieving pressure on the spinal cord which in turn helps the nervous system communicate and control the immune system better. This relief of pressure will help your body better regulate its immune response which can in turn help with sinus infections. On a physical level as well, chiropractic adjustments of the neck or even of the facial bones themselves can help restore balanced pressure and proper drainage in the head and frontal sinuses providing relief of pain.

Call today and see how Chiropractic care can help you get through the cold and flu season successfully!

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards....

Do you ever feel defeated? Do you ever feel like life or your circumstances are pulling you in reverse?

I think we all have experienced that at different times, life can be very challenging. The responsibility of just getting through each day can be a mountain we often feel we don’t even know where to begin the climb. A recent quote I read that inspired me to write this today is by Paulo Coelho and it says,

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that its going to launch you into something great!”

That thought it so powerful and something we see folks struggle with on a daily basis on their journey to better health. The old saying, if it was easy everyone would do it rings so true in my day to day life caring for people. Health is a marathon not a sprint and we need to give ourselves some grace sometimes. We often see people feel worse before they feel better and while we don’t like that happening we are respectful to the process of healing the body takes. Its one of the many reasons we encourage people to get their body right with us and then maintain that going forward. A well functioning nervous system serves not just our body but our mind as well.

So I encourage you today to be positive in all circumstances, find the good in everything and launch yourself into something great today!

Dr. John